
Conservative student testifies ‘I’m used to being in the minority’ as anti-diversity bill advances

BY: - February 8, 2024

FRANKFORT — A bill that would curb diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs in Kentucky’s public universities advanced from a legislative committee Thursday after undergoing several changes. The original Senate Bill 6 would have allowed employees and students to sue public universities and colleges on grounds they were discriminated against for rejecting “divisive concepts.” Under […]

‘Momnibus’ maternal health bill moves forward in Kentucky legislature?

BY: - February 8, 2024

FRANKFORT — The maternal health bill dubbed “Momnibus” passed out of the House Committee on Health Services Thursday and can move to the floor for a full vote.? Momnibus — or House Bill 10 — came out of a bipartisan summer working group of female lawmakers who looked into Kentucky’s dismal maternal mortality and how […]

Republican-backed change to teacher pay for sick days forwarded by committee

BY: - February 7, 2024

FRANKFORT — Despite concerns voiced by educators, a Senate committee forwarded a bill Wednesday that would change how teachers are paid for accumulated sick leave when they retire.? In an 8-3 vote, the Senate State and Local Government Committee gave a favorable recommendation to Senate Bill 4. Sponsored by Sen. Jimmy Higdon, R-Lebanon, the bill […]

Kentucky Senate joins House in urging Beshear to back Texas governor at the border

BY: - February 6, 2024

FRANKFORT — Joining its House colleagues, the Kentucky Senate approved Tuesday its own resolution urging Gov. Andy Beshear to support Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s immigration crackdown at the Mexican border.? Several Republicans spoke in favor of Resolution 123 before it was adopted by a voice vote. Democrats and GOP Sen. Whitney Westerfield, of Fruit Hill, […]

Kentucky legislature could call itself into session under amendment proposed by House speaker

BY: - February 6, 2024

FRANKFORT — The Kentucky legislature could call itself into session for an additional 12 days a year and extend regular sessions beyond constitutionally required end dates under a constitutional amendment filed Tuesday by House Speaker David Osborne.? Osborne, R-Prospect, told reporters Tuesday afternoon the amendment proposed by House Bill 4, if approved by voters, would […]

Senate bill could spare kinship care families in Kentucky from making a costly decision

BY: - February 6, 2024

FRANKFORT — When Kentuckians learn that a grandchild, nephew, niece or other young relative is being removed from an unsafe home, some families make a decision that later robs them of needed resources.? That could change under a bill that passed unanimously out of the Senate Families and Children Committee Tuesday.? Many people who step […]

House approves bill to improve tracking of data on sudden deaths related to epilepsy

BY: - February 6, 2024

Kentucky data could aid research into deaths related to epilepsy under bill headed for House FRANKFORT — A bill that could help Kentucky gather better data on sudden unexpected death of someone with epilepsy — called SUDEP — passed 95-0 out of the House on Tuesday.? House Bill 166 would require that autopsies determine, at […]

No cell phones in class for Kentucky public school students if advancing bill becomes law

BY: - February 6, 2024

FRANKFORT — Legislation prohibiting Kentucky public school students from using their cell phones during class is a step closer to becoming law.? The House Education Committee gave bipartisan approval Tuesday to House Bill 383, which would require local school boards to adopt policies banning students from using cell phones during “instructional time.” A few committee […]

Study cited by Texas judge in abortion pill case retracted

BY: - February 5, 2024

Two of the key studies cited by plaintiffs and judges as evidence that medication abortion should be pulled from the market or heavily restricted have been retracted because of undeclared conflicts of interest and unreliable findings, academic publisher Sage announced Monday. States Newsroom was the first to report last year that Sage had opened an […]

Kentucky House advances two preventive, diagnostic health bills?

BY: - February 5, 2024

The Kentucky House unanimously passed two health bills on Monday that are aimed at making childhood vaccines more accessible and detecting cancer early.? House Bill 115 would get rid of insurance copays and cost sharing for diagnostic cancer screenings like mammograms. It passed 93-0 with no debate.? Sponsor and former nurse Rep. Kimberly Poore Moser, […]

Knowingly owning child sex dolls one step closer to being a felony in Kentucky

BY: - February 5, 2024

In a move that Edgewood Republican Rep. Stephanie Dietz said will help “protect our children from predators and exploitation,” the Kentucky House on Monday passed her bill to ban child sex dolls. House Bill 207 would make it a Class D felony to knowingly own or sell a child sex doll — defined as a […]

Beshear appoints former justice cabinet secretary to cosmetology board

BY: - February 5, 2024

After retiring from the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, former Secretary Kerry Harvey will serve on the Kentucky Board of Cosmetology.? Gov. Andy Beshear appointed Harvey to fill an expired term left by Margaret Meredith. Harvey, of Lexington, will represent citizens at-large. Harvey’s appointment was announced in a list of appointments from the governor’s office […]