
Want to buy a bull bison?

BY: - March 11, 2024

The Kentucky Department of Parks is accepting bids for two bison at Big Bone Lick State Historic Site. The one-year-old bulls are in excellent health. They are being sold in a two separate lots. Bids are being accepted now until March 14. For questions or to make an appointment to see the bison, contact Claire […]

Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman moves to restart executions

BY: - March 11, 2024

FRANKFORT — Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman is moving to restart executions in Kentucky. Coleman announced Friday that he has filed a motion in Franklin Circuit Court seeking to end what a news release from his office called a “nearly 15-year ruling that has blocked the imposition of the death penalty in Kentucky.” Coleman said […]

IVF controversy echoes memorable debate in Kentucky House 40 years ago

BY: - March 11, 2024

Veteran Kentucky lawmakers call it one of the most dramatic moments in the history of the state’s General Assembly.? Memory of it has revived this spring as the nation — and Kentucky lawmakers — weigh a controversy over in vitro fertilization, a way to help infertile couples have a baby. “What happened back in the […]

Looking toward November, Biden targets ‘shrinkflation’ in State of the Union speech

BY: - March 11, 2024

The White House retweeted Cookie Monster about it. The president made his own Super Bowl video about it. And then President Joe Biden made it a point in his State of the Union speech: “Shrinkflation” must be stopped. Biden said Thursday during his annual address that he is taking on corporations that are making more […]

Senate approves making it easier for foster parents to qualify for child care assistance

BY: - March 8, 2024

FRANKFORT — A Democrat’s bill aimed at making it easier for Kentuckians to become foster parents unanimously passed the Senate Thursday — after some friendly hazing aimed at the sponsor upon passing her first bill.? Senate Bill 240 would allow foster parents in Kentucky to qualify for? child care benefits while working outside the home […]

Kentucky Supreme Court hears from insurers fighting over share of state’s Medicaid business

BY: - March 7, 2024

FRANKFORT — A dispute involving six insurance companies over a share of Kentucky’s $15 billion a year Medicaid business moved to the state Supreme Court Thursday where justices tried to sort out a long running battle over the lucrative contracts. Litigation has stretched on several years, largely over Anthem Kentucky’s claim it was unfairly shut […]

Democrats walk out to protest ‘alternatives to pregnancy termination’ bill

BY: - March 7, 2024

FRANKFORT — In 2017, Central Kentuckian Heather Hyden faced an “upsetting, awful” and “horrific experience.” The baby she carried — a “very wanted pregnancy” — had a lethal fetal anomaly.? She was induced in February of that year, medical care she would be unable to receive in Kentucky today because of the state’s near-total ban […]

Bill could still encourage officials to hide public business on private devices, advocates warn

BY: - March 7, 2024

FRANKFORT — Advocates for open government in Kentucky urged lawmakers Thursday to close anti-transparency loopholes in a bill that Republicans voted out of committee. Despite changes made by the sponsor, the measure still could encourage officials to hide public business on private electronic devices, a Democratic lawmaker and a lawyer for the Kentucky Press Association […]

Clinging to coal: Kentucky utilities could have more hurdles to clear before retiring power plants

BY: - March 7, 2024

FRANKFORT — A bill backed by the Republican Kentucky Senate president would create new hurdles for utilities to retire fossil fuel-fired power plants, building on last year’s law that made it harder for utilities to move away from coal and natural gas. Senate Bill 349, primarily sponsored by Sen. Robby Mills, R-Henderson, was approved Wednesday […]

Is in vitro fertilization under threat in Kentucky too? Law matching Alabama’s deepens concerns

BY: - March 7, 2024

For Lisa Sobel and her husband, being able to have a child through in vitro fertilization, or IVF, was “a dream come true.” “For us, this really is a joy,” Sobel, of Louisville, said. “We want for there to be other families to be able to have this joy.” But the recent state Supreme Court […]

‘Adult-oriented’ businesses would be subject to new restrictions under bill approved by Senate

BY: - March 6, 2024

FRANKFORT — A bill placing new restrictions on “adult-oriented” businesses, which opponents have blasted as “anti-drag,” passed the Kentucky Senate Wednesday 32-6.? It can now go to the House for consideration.? Senate Bill 147 prohibits “adult-oriented” businesses from being located within 933 feet of a child care facility, children’s amusement establishment, school, park, recreation? facility […]

Remembering those we lost, 4 years to the day after Kentucky’s first confirmed COVID-19 case

BY: - March 6, 2024

FRANKFORT — Four years after the day that Kentucky confirmed its first official case of COVID-19, Kandie Adkinson rang a singular bell in the Rotunda, its chime echoing through the Capitol.? ‘Flying blind:’ A Kentucky COVID-19 pandemic retrospective? She did this to honor those lost to COVID-19, just as she did during much of the […]